Connecting Our
Rare Communities to
Clinical Trial Opportunities

Direct Exposure to Rare Disease Community

Education and Raising Awareness

Patient-powered Social Media Campaign Development

Patient Recruitment

Patient Journey
Coming Soon

Protocol Design
Coming Soon

Community Access
Coming Soon
The BioNews Impact
We know clinical recruitment is challenging.
We can help.
Clinical trials need a significant number of participants in order to be completed.

We have brought together over 2M people living with rare diseases.
Finding a sufficient number of patients living with a rare disease is not simple.

Most of them, when asked, are interested in knowing more about ongoing clinical trials.
Fewer than 5% of patients participate in clinical trials. For patients living with rare diseases, participation is lower than 1%.
80% of clinical trials are delayed due to slow patient enrollment

We accelerate your clinical trial recruitment by tapping into our engaged community of patients who voiced their desire in learning more and participating in a clinical trial.
Patient involvement in clinical trials has been shown to generate a 500-fold return in investment and to speed new drugs to market by 2.5 years; however, meaningful engagement with patients is not the norm.

We offer you a defined and regulated process to engage with patients in all phases of your clinical trial process.
The average cost to recruit just one patient volunteer in a clinical trial is more than $40,000.

Our business model is designed to align with your goals.
The BioNews Impact
We know clinical recruitment is challenging.
We can help.
Clinical trials need a significant number of participants in order to be completed.

We have brought together over 2 M people living with rare diseases.
Finding a sufficient number of patients living with a rare disease is not simple.

Most of them, when asked, are interested in knowing more about ongoing clinical trials.
Less than 5% of patients participate in clinical trials. For patients living with rare diseases, participation is lower than 1%.
80% of clinical trials are delayed due to slow patient enrollment

We accelerate your clinical trial recruitment by tapping into our engaged community of patients who voiced their desire in learning more and participating in a clinical trial.
Patient involvement in clinical trials has been shown to generate 500-fold return in investment and to speed new drugs to market by 2.5 years, however meaningful engagement with patients is not the norm

We offer you a defined and regulated process to engage with patients in all phases of your clinical trial process
The average cost to recruit just one patient volunteer in a clinical trial is over $40,000

Our business model is designed to align with your goals
The Numbers
2+ million
Number of users per month across our platforms
Average percentage of patient population reached per month
More than 125,000
Hours spent on BioNews sites each month

Latest News

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